Corporate governance

Remuneration of senior executives

The Board of Directors’ proposal for guidelines for the remuneration of Senior Executives

By Senior Executives is meant the President and Executive Vice President level, currently nine individuals.

The remuneration shall consist of a fixed salary, a variable salary, a pension and other remuneration such as a company car. The total remuneration shall be on market terms and support the interest of the shareholders by enabling the company to attract and retain senior executives.

The fixed salary shall be renegotiated annually and take into account the area of responsibility, the competence, performance and experience of the individual. The variable portion of the salary is based on financially quantifiable target fulfilment. The individual shall receive a maximum amount equivalent to six months’ salary.

Further information on executive remuneration is available in note 6 (Employees and remuneration of employees) on p. 76–77 in Beijer Ref’s annual report and sustainability report 2023. Information on the work of the remuneration committee in 2023 is set out in the corporate governance report and is available on p. 57–58 in Beijer Ref’s annual report and sustainability report 2023.