Remuneration committee and audit committee
The remuneration committee consists of Kate Swann (Chair) and Albert Gustafsson.
Within the Board of Directors, a remuneration committee is established. The remuneration committee prepares matters regarding remuneration and other employment conditions for the company management. The remuneration committee shall also monitor and evaluate the application of the guidelines for senior executive remuneration as well as the current remuneration structures and compensation levels in the company.
The Audit Committee consists of Nathalie Delbreuve, who is also the Chairman of the Committee, as well as Frida Norrbom Sams and Albert Gustafsson. The CEO is invited and the CFO participates in the Meetings as does the company’s Auditor, when required.
The Audit Committee has an advisory as well as a preparatory function for placing decision-making matters before the Board for consideration before a decision is taken by the Beijer Ref Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee’s overall tasks include:
- being responsible for the preparation of the Board’s work of quality-assuring the company’s financial reporting,
- continually meeting the company’s Auditor in order to inform itself of the emphasis and extent of the audit and to discuss the co-ordination between the internal and external audit and the view on the company’s risks,
- determining guidelines for which services other than audit that the company may procure from the company’s auditor,
- evaluating the audit effort and informing the company’s Election Committee or, where appropriate, a special Election Committee about the result of the evaluation,
- assisting the Election Committee in the production of a proposal to the Auditor and the remuneration of the Audit effort,
- ensuring that the Audit Committee shall minute its meetings,
- ensuring that when the Board of Directors has delegated the decision-making right in a specific matter, to deal with this matter and report back to the Board as soon as possible, and
- ensuring that the Audit Committee shall report to the Board of Directors at Ordinary Board Meetings and that the Minutes from the Committee’s meetings shall be appended to the ordinary board documents.
The Audit Committee will provide continual verbal reports to the Board of Directors and put forward proposals in matters that require the Board’s decision. The Minutes are made available to all Board Members, the CEO and to the Auditor.