
G & L Beijer makes an acquisition in Norway

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G & L Beijer AB is acquiring the Norwegian company, Ecofrigo AS, a project-oriented distribution company operating mainly within project planning and the distribution of environment friendly chillers and refrigerants. Ecofrigo reports sales of approximately SEK 35M with good profitability. The company has six employees.

The acquisition complements G & L Beijer’s existing operation both geographically and from a product viewpoint. Ecofrigo was founded in December 2009 and has in a short time established a strong position in the Norwegian market. The company delivers environment friendly refrigeration units equipped with the latest technology from G & L Beijer’s Italian subsidiary, SCM Frigo. G & L Beijer acquired SCM Frigo at the beginning of 2011 and the acquisition of Ecofrigo means a further strengthening of the synergies.

In the acquisition of Ecofrigo, G & L Beijer has identified a number of synergy effects, mainly on the purchasing side. The acquisition is expected to have a marginally positive effect on G & L Beijer’s profit per share. Ecofrigo is included in G & L Beijer’s accounts from January 2012.

Malmö, 20 January 2012
G & L Beijer AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Joen Magnusson, Managing Director
G & L Beijer AB
Telephone +46 40-35 89 00
Mobile +46 709-26 50 91

Jonas Lindqvist, CFO
Telephone +46 40-35 89 00
Mobile +46 705-90 89 04

G & L Beijer AB (publ) discloses the information provided here pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

G & L Beijer is a technology-oriented trading Group which, through a combination of added-value agency products and products of the company’s own development, offers competitive solutions for its customers within refrigeration and air conditioning.

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